The Halloween Hype. (In My Mind.)

Its 2nd October right now, where I live and it is safe 
to say that Halloween has started.
In my city or more like neighbourhood, there is not much
hype whenit comes to "Halloween"...mainly because not 
many people know about it.
Which is very unfortunate, yes. 
But what can we really do about it, go around 
distributing "The meaning of Halloween" brochures, 
not a very good idea is it?
That's exactly my point.
The reason there is no hype about Halloween is that
many people don't even know there is something known
as Halloween, reason being, Christianity is no the main
 religion in my city, which is unfortunate.
And the stereotypical elders.
They can be a nuisance at times.
And it starts, me speaking like Enid Blyton in 2017.
There you go....
Hence Proved.
Yesterday was lit.
Yes, I use that word.
So..The main trouble about Halloween.
The Costume Hunt.
Like we have scavengers hunt etc.
It is a ruckus.
No, it is not, I was just kidding.
They don't even sell Halloween costumes.
or maybe they do and I just live under 
a rock.
No, but seriously, They don't.
So that means the malls are not flooded with children.
Crying children.
Happy children.
Blank children.
There is an exotic range.
Which only exists in my mind.
God, my heart sure can be delusional at times.
It's like Christmas,
There is no hype.
Or maybe there is Like it's not dull, houses are lit,
 there are Christmas trees everywhere,
 and there are decorations for sale in 
But all that is just materialistic.
There is no true spirit of Christmas present in people.
And that is the main perspective to Christmas, in my mind.
So, as I was saying...malls during Halloween.
Just normal people doing their normal work.
Noone bothering to ask, where they might find
Halloween costumes,
Because the truth is that nobody cares.
So what happens to people Who actually care?
They don't have a costume.
That means they have to DIY it.
But it's a good thing because that is the only time
of the year when people actually bother to put on their 
thinking caps.
But do you see what I'm trying to say?
Some of us dont even have a Halloween costume.
That's how bad Halloween is in my city.
So, ya.
"The Hype" about Halloween is just in my mind.
and I'll cherish it.



OKAYYY... Hi again. This is the short poem I wrote when I was 
in 7th grade and I would like to share it with you. 
Here it goes...

                 •••••••• STRING ••••••••­

It is like we are balancing on a thin string
A little wind and we fall apart.
Hidden emotions are the only path,
Hide your anger, you won't break.
Hide your sorrow, you won't shake.
Hide your jealousy, make a roadway.
Show your happiness, and see him smile.
Show your content, don't make him cry.
Hide your emotions, plaster a fake smile.
Keep the string still and stifle your cry.


How was it? Did you understand the meaning of it?
Comment down below what you thought I was trying to convey 
and maybe I can develop a different perspective myself.

Bish…I’m back!!

OKAYYYY.... Finally, the long wait comes to an end.
 Thank you, so much, for being patient. 
My exams are long done with and I can get back to writing my 
blog as usual!!
Firstly I want you all to comment down below what YOU want to 
from me. Coming up with ideas is very hard and a little 
help is 
always appreciated. Summer holidays have started and I would 
love to 
hear from you, how you might be spending them. Comment down
where would possibly love to visit during your vacations.
Summer is pretty heated where I live and I can guarantee 
that its not as fun as you might be thinking it is.
It can get massively oven-like here.
Tell me a little about the weather of the place you live
(Catch me at:
ANDDDDDDD....btw .... I just wanted to inform you 
that... I am working on my very own novel!!!! 
I am very excited because I absolutely love writing 
and stuff so this is going to be a very 
fun and exhilarating project.
 Its like a cancer love story but with an additional
(related to infinity)
I would really appreciate it if you could comment title
It would really help. And if possible you can write 
your full name and then the title 
(Maybe if I publish it one day... I can mention your 
name in the acknowledgements.) 
Anyways... Please comment down below some ideas 
for the blogs and will try to do all of them in my
 blog page plus some other things.
 I am not going to be writing anything else now...
 So ya BYEEE!

xx KRISHA xx..... Going offline. <3


Sowwieeeeee….!!!! <3

Ik ik ik ik !.. The name says - Weekly Blogs 2K17.
And I did not live up to the name.
The last time i posted was soooo long ago, more than a week!
Actually... This is an announcement blog post.
I just wanted to inform all my readers that I would not be posting 
anything until 6th of April, due to my final term assessments. 
They are really important papers, which take place at the end of 
the whole session of any grade. These papers are 80 marks worth, 
and there is a LOT to study, and by a lot I mean A LOTTT.
The chapters are huge, and there are quite a few.
Thats the reason i couldn't post anything. I just didn't have time!
Tomorrow is a holiday and the next paper is easy, so i decided to 
just tell you guys about it.
I even tried updating over the weekend, but I had lost my password 
and I even tried reseting but a problem occurred and i couldn't do so
so I tried again today, and it finally happened. Thank God for that!
Anyways.... This post was just to inform you and nothing else, but
 i promise there will be lots more coming up next weekend coz my exams get over then. YIIPPEEEE!!!
And guess what.... My bday will be 3 days after the exams get over.
So don't forget to wish me on 9th ok?!
And btw....Check out my Instagram : @x.x.krisha.x.x Its private.. 
but you can follow me there :*
And wish my luck for my exams.... and I hope to see you in a week 
or so!

Lots of love <3

XX KRISHA XX..... Going Offline.<3



Want to write a book, a story or a poem?
But you have no clue how to start.
So here a few points you need to follow, to write better than what you 
used to write.
Here we go.

1) Read plenty of books.
  Not just before you you plan to start writing. But make it a habit to  read at least one book per week. This way you can broaden your 
vocabulary. When you write, you obviously want to write something that 
sounds smart and nice. This way you may also get ideas for your story.

2) Write a lot.
  Be it a article from a celebrity magazine or a paragraph from your 
favourite book. Write. Write. Write.
This will help your thinking skills and analytical skills as well.

3) Jot down points that come to your mind.
  Whether you are in the shower or at the park walking your dog, if you 
think of a potential point worth to be mentioned in your story or poem,   jot it down. If you don't have a paper or pen, make a note of it on your phone. So the next time you go to write something, like a story, you can simply take you phone out and read the point you made a not of. This way you would not have to rack your brains to think of a storyline.

4) Practise.
  You might be wondering- "How can I practise to be a better writer?"
Well... by practise I mean, Keep on writing many stories and novels and   poems etc. This way you can get a fair idea of what you can write the    best. You can discover which genre of books you are most 
comfortable     writing in and what type of story make you happy the most. Then you can
go ahead and write in that particular genre.

5) No distraction.
  When you are writing try not to get distracted. Because when you are 
writing, you are in the mood and zone of literature. If you get 
distracted by something, you snap out of the mood. Once you are out it
can be hard to get back into it. So, when you are writing politely inform the people living in your house, not to disturb you for anything 
whatsoever, be it a phone call or something else. Put your full thought 
and time to your writing.

6) Keep a target.
  Tell yourself that you have to finish writing at least 2 chapters in a day. Once you achieve your goal, you will definitely feel good 
throughout the day, as you know you have down something fruitful in 
your life. Taking into consideration the 5th point, Once you have 
achieved writing 2 chapters(or whatever your goal was) You can afford to get distracted, like calling back someone who had called you while you where writing, or doing the chores that you were supposed to do.
This way you will get you work down, both ways.

By following all the steps listed above, you will unquestionably see an improvement in your writing skills.

I really hope this helped all of you.

xx KRISHA xx... Going Offline.

Umm.. Okayy..sooo… HII

HIII Guise!!!!!
This is my first blog!! Yipeeeee!!!! *does the happy dance*
I am totally new to all of this, as you might have already realised.
I am going to keep this very short as this is my first one.
Okay.. So here we go..
First of all, Hi again!
I'm Krisha. Lets just keep it that way.
I'm 13 yrs old and I love reading, writing and shopping all the way.
I am currently working on a novel, which hopefully will be published in the near future
with your support.
I have just started this blog, so my popularity level is ummm- 0.
But i really,really, really hope i get more readers in the future.
I will be posting the utter most random things in my weekly life.
Sometimes i will add in my poems or something of that sort.
I am a student and an aspiring engineer ( or a interior designer or an author, dunno!)
I really hope you guise like what I have to provide in the coming week and the weeks to come.
I really love all of you ppl!!
Love yaaa!! :*

With this I end my first blog.
xx KRISHA xx...Going offline.